Monday, January 23, 2012

Winds of Change in Mexico

Winds of Change in Mexico
From Boomers abroad

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has approved a loan of up to 72 million usd to help finance the construction of a 396-megawatt wind farm in Mexico, a project that will expand renewable energy supply in the country and contribute to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.

The project, the biggest wind farm in Mexico and one of the largest in Latin America, will be located in the La Ventosa region of Oaxaca, one of the world’s best regions for wind resources.

The project, forecast to reduce emissions by up to approximately 1 million metric tons of carbon dioxide annually, will be made up of 132 towers with turbines and include the construction of a 52-kilometer transmission line linking the farm with the electricity grid.

The operation is part of growing IDB support to help Mexico develop its renewableenergy industry. The Bank has been supporting Mexico in developing the regulatory and institutional framework necessary to incorporate renewable sources of energy into the energy
matrix as well as implement its Renewable Energy Law.

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