Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Safety of Traveling to Rosarito, Mexico

by Raechel Donahue, Demand Media


Travel in Mexico has its share of safety issues, and the middle-class town of Rosarito is no exception. By observing a few rules and taking some basic precautions, you can have a safe and pleasant journey to this charming seaside hamlet. Whether you travel by bus or car, enjoy the scenery on the way to a destination that has served as a hideaway for movie stars and royalty for over 80 years.

Taking the Bus

Leaving from Tijuana, Mexicoach offers regular service to Rosarito. Simply leave your car on the American side -- there are many secure parking lots -- and walk across the border. If you are uncomfortable with leaving your car in a lot, consider taking the trolley from San Diego to reach the border. As soon as you pass through the gates, you will see the Tijuana Tourist Office, where friendly employees will direct you to the Mexicoach depot. The bus makes the 29-mile trip to Rosarito in a little over half an hour and costs about the same as a street taco.


There are two kinds of Mexican taxis that will take you to Rosarito: "route taxis" that charge a flat rate for packing up to 12 tourists into a station wagon and yellow cabs. The route taxi is the most economical, but unless you are with a large enough group to fill the whole vehicle you may find yourself traveling in unsavory company. This can be a prime opportunity for pickpockets to prey upon tourists. The yellow cabs are not only more comfortable but also a safer choice because you are not placed in the position of traveling with strangers. The price is reasonable ($20 to $30 in 2010), and a little haggling is expected. Make sure to settle on a flat rate before starting the trip.

Driving to Rosarito

Driving in Mexico is rather challenging, especially passing through Tijuana, a necessary leg of the route to Rosarito. Drivers may seem erratic, aggressive and even angry, so it pays to be alert. It is crucial to purchase Mexican auto insurance in advance -- preferably from your own insurance agent. Approaching the border, there are many signs offering cut-rate insurance, but even the most seasoned traveler might have difficulty discerning legitimate agents from scam artists.

Safe Shopping in Rosarito

Rosarito's main boulevard is lined with all manner of shops, and every few yards there is a narrow corridor that leads to a hidden maze of tiny stands and cubbyholes. Even though Rosarito has the lowest crime rate in Baja (as of 2010), there is always the possibility of pickpocketing. Men should carry their wallets in a jacket pocket rather than the rear pants' pocket, and women should make sure their purses are closed.

General Safety Warnings

If driving, make sure to top off frequently to avoid the possibility of running out of gas. Do not stop for hitchhikers. Do not purchase a green parrot and attempt to bring it home; the penalty is as much as 50 years in prison.